• Micro Amy Plush
    Micro Amy Plush
    With micro-Amy, least is not last! This Amy Rose plush looks positivly miniature. It is no higher than 4 inches. Is it related to Tiny Tails? Was there a micro set? Here, Amy is wearing her old Sonic CD outfit. The detail is good for the size, with sewn on…
    in Japanese plushes

discord link


(Above bar only represents phase 1)


It's February 2021, where are we at? 

 Daily Velocity  1 pages / day
 Amount of pages since last update  82
 Total amount of pages done  314
 Remaining pages (phase 1)  160
 SonicGear new phase 1 pages found  10
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  96
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity  July 30th, 2021


I've added a new row telling the newly found pages at SonicGear since the last update, this will make it clear why the finished date moves up even though I keep at the same velocity. SonicGear keeps increasing with it's weekly updates, but also a few new pages have been found! 

The Trello board is slowly clearing the cards at phase 1, there are still 34 Sonic Gear categories left to finish! 


(Above bar only represents phase 1)


The stats: 

 Daily Velocity  1 pages / day
 Amount of pages since last update  38
 Total amount of pages done  232
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  232
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  95
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  July 21th, 2021

Thanks to the article revamp from last update porting articles is going faster and speed is back to 1! Where possible I'm also working on other improvements. 

View the embedded image gallery online at:

The website will auto-detect your preference for light or dark. You can change your preference in your browser or device settings. These settings often can even be time based so you get to see the light setting when the sun is up and the dark setting when the sun is down! 

The website has gotten overall style improvements for both light & dark theme. And some updates that should affect the speed of the website. 



(Above bar only represents phase 1)


This time an update on mostly the featureset of the website. Ofcourse lots of pages have been ported too, but not as much as I promised. 

The stats: 

 Daily Velocity  0.89 pages / day
 Amount of pages since last update  40
 Total amount of pages done  194
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  264
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  89
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  September 11th, 2021

I'm currently 25 pages behind to get that velocity back to 1. I will try to climb up back to 1 pages a day. But for now I hope I can make up for it with the following feature updates ????

Grid display

For both "Last additions" and "Gear" you'll see that they now use the same grid like display. For Latest Additions it will show the cover images and title of each article in a tile. If you want to see more of it you can click on it and you'll go to the article. At the "gear" page you will see categories as tiles, and if the category contains articles you'll see those as tiles aswell. 

This way you'll see ton of merchandise on a single page! 

Article grid - Lazy load

Together with the new layout some lazy load functionality has been implemented. This means you no longer have to click the "next" button to view more, just keep scrolling and more will load in! So keep scrolling untill you've seen them all. 

as you scroll the url will change to the "page" you've scrolled to. At the moment you can only go to higher pages though so scrolling back to the top will not change the url back to the previous page. I want to change this in the future though. 
With this url-changing functionality, you can keep scrolling, and if you feel like sharing the articles that are currently at your screen (but not a single article) you can simply copy the url and it'll jump to the right page. 
Ofcourse you can also click on the pages subheader to jump to a specific page at any time. 

Extra fields

With an article now "extra fields" can be added. These will appear below the article text. This will help us not forget certain details about an item if we know it. And possibly in the future we can add a search module that can filter on these extra fields

the current extra fields we have are: Brand, year, price list, region
If you have an idea for other extra fields let us know! 

Image gallary

This one will help me a lot porting articles that have a ton of images. With image gallary we can justs add them all at once and it'll appear in a nice grid at the right of the article. If you click on the image you'll see a bigger picture. 
Ofcourse we can still add images to specific spots if we want to. But for quickness or for when there's a lot of images this image gallary will be very usefull. 

Other layout changes

While the grid layout change is the biggest one, some more optimizations have been made for very small mobile layout & big screen 4k layout. For mobile you're now more likely to see a smaller header, this way the logo will no longer be in the way of the menu. And for 4k or widescreen screens the website will no longer stretch out as much. 


(Above bar only represents phase 1)


It's been a while since I posted, and to be honest barely any progress has been made last summer. 
I did need a break, as porting articles is very repetive work, and took up lots of my freetime. So while I didn't intend to take a break, it kinda just happened, first because of hot weather, then because I just felt like I needed to and then even a surprise vacation. A lot of stuff has simply happened, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit. 

I've started picking up writing articles again, and since I skipped a ton of weeks it makes no sense to do a weekly velocity anymore, so I'm just gonna go with "Velocity since first article" which was april 13th. And now I'll just call it "Daily Velocity". Hoping this will be the most trustworthy even if I decide to take another break. 

I also figured out 2 pages a day is too much for such a long period of time. But I'm going to aim for 1 page a day instead. And we'll see what happens to the average velocity. 

So here are the stats updated: 

 Daily Velocity  1 pages / day
 Amount of pages since last update  14
 Total amount of pages done  154
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  305
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  86
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  August 15th, 2021

Note that the date, July 15th 2021 is based on current amount of pages on SonicGear. SonicGear keeps adding pages so it will likely somewhere in August 2021 if my velocity sticks to 1. 



So does that mean I've done nothing at all for Sonic District? Well I did create a small program that tracks merchandise website that sell Sonic stuff. And while it may not work for all websites yet, it works on most of them (but each have to be configured seperately). It currently active as a bot in my Discord channel Sonic Online (Click to get invited). And spams the #bot channel daily with updates of various websites that sell Sonic Merchandise. It'll keep you updated whenever an article is added, deleted or changed in price. It currently works for SegaShop US & SegaShop EU. And some other websites (mostly european or dutch, but you're welcome to ask for support on other websites if you want to!). 

Currently it's mostly made for private use, but anyone who wants to can join in. In the future I could potentially add a price-watch portion to Sonic District, but this is a long-term idea. But if I feel like I need to get a break from working on articles I could be working on this instead. 


(Above bar only represents phase 1)


Last week I ported 16 SonicGear pages

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  2,29 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th) 1,54 pages / day
 Average weekly velocity 1,97 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  16
 Total amount of pages done  140
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  311
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  December 18 2020





* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly! ) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2

** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

Last week I ported 14 SonicGear pages, back to the pace I want it to be, but still need to get my average back to 2 by doing more! 

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  2 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th)  1,48 pages / day
 Average velocity since may 18
 1,95 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  14
 Total amount of pages done  124
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  325
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  December 20 2020





* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly! ) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2

** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

So far I like posting these logs on monday instead of sunday. I post them after SonicGear made an update (and posted this update and/or updated trello for any new pages). 

What else has been done? 

As you can see at the top of the website, we have a new logo! This logo was made by a good friend "Yimoo" and it was quite a journey to come to the final one, so this will be a seperate blog post later! 

Last week I ported 9 SonicGear pages, not the best week, it was too sunny to be on the PC for so long ???? 

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  1,3 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th)  1,4 pages / day
 Average weekly velocity  1,75 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  9
 Total amount of pages done  110
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*   339
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  January 9 2021

* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly! 3 new pages have been added or found today) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2
** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

Oops, the phase 1 based on average velocity went to 2021, that's definitely not something I want, so I'll do my best to get that average weekly velocity back to 2 and the phase 1 finished estimation back to somewhere in 2020. 
It's pretty hard to keep up the pace when it's so sunny/warm, no airconditioning so I spend much more time outside in summer when it's too hot inside. This week it's better though so I'll try to increase the pace a little. But if it keeps being hard on me I will considering lowering the pace a little, but this depends on a lot of things (weather and work mostly). 

Last week I ported 16 SonicGear pages, so the average velocity is finally back to 2+. 

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  2,3 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th)  1,4 pages / day
 Average weekly velocity  2 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  16
 Total amount of pages done  101
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*   348
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  December 13 2020

* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly! 3 new pages have been added or found today) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2
** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

SonicGear keeps adding new pages in a rapid velocity. This time 3 new pages have been found, when a new page is started though, it'll take a while to fill a page, so I don't expect this much to happen weekly. 
Although there are also some "hidden pages" that have been forgotten to put on the home page, I'm hoping we're starting to find all of those by now, it'll be no good if we forget a page. 

This week didn't go enitrely as I expected, it's been a rough week so that's why there are only 2 extra pages ported, even though I planned to do much more. Things don't always go as planned, but I still managed to put the velocity back to 2 a day, so let's keep it like that. This week my aim is simply just 14 pages again, but if I have time (and motivation) to do more, I will. 

A lot of the pages previous week I actually made easier, because a large portion of it was just "clothing". And because it seems like a bit much to just make a new article for every other shirt, I group classic and modern shirts together and group them together in 1 article. So 1 article can take up to 10 shirts. In some cases there are still solo shirts though, because I do them 1 page at a time and sometimes something just gets left over last. 

Even by grouping shirts, there are still a ton of them. 

Also, over 100 finished pages! Well "finished" it will never be, because they potentially update weekly. But every monday (or whenever sonicgear updates, mostly monday), I will update these, so this number should never decrease. 101 pages is 22% of all phase 1 pages and 19% of the entire website! 

Last week I ported 14 SonicGear pages, not enough to put my average weekly velocity back to 2. But I expect to be able to do this next week.

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  2 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th)  1,4 pages / day
 Average weekly velocity 1,97 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  14
 Total amount of pages done  86
 Remaining pages (phase 1)* 361
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  December 14 2020


* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly!) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2
** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

In the process of doing this for 4 weeks now, I've noted that some pages are missing in Trello. This is because SonicGear doesn't link on them in their menu, and I won't notice until they add a news post about it. Because of this the "Remaining pages" could go up more quickly. I've asked Azure from SonicGear to keep an eye on this, so we can find those missing pages!

After a few more weeks (so we've hopefully found most of those missing pages) I'm thinking of adding an additional velocity, which is the SonicGear new pages velocity. If I can track how often (on average) a new page is added we can get a more realistic expectation of the "Phase 1 finished". Because currently it will only go up as SonicGear will add new items every week, and if a page is full they will add a new page. 

11 of the pages done this week were Sonic Clothing pages, they can be done fairly quickly but are also pretty boring (it's just shirts after shirts) so I will likely take another page kind next week too. For clothing I started combining some shirts, but only if they are close to each other on the SonicGear page (because it's a hassle to find/edit pages I've already done) and only if they have something in common. This way pages get a little more info on 1 place which is nice (there's often not much to say about shirts). 

Finesse has announced a werehog skateboard on their instagram page. With Mephiles being their previous one they are definitely going to do the rare characters now making it interesting for Sonic Collectors. Some of the earlier skateboard have also been made into Tech Deck fingerboards, so if they keep their collection growing it'd be interesting to see if these newer ones will get tech decks too. 

Either way, if you want to get your own werehog skateboard (for skateboarding or collecting) be sure to keep an eye on them, because they sell out quickly. They'll likely show images of the full skateboard first and then they could pop up in stores at any time. So far these skateboards have only been available in US webshops, but some of them do ship internationally (in which case you should be prepared for expensive shipping prices). You may also test your luck on Ebay and possibly some local stores in the US. 

Last week I ported 10 SonicGear pages, OH NO! It's less than my promised 14 pages/week. But it's not like I did nothing so I'm still close to an average 2 pages a day, and will try to do a little more in the futue weeks to get it at 2+ again! 

It's been a crazy week with BLM the world, even in europe, seems to turn around. Terrible things are happening and my mind wasn't fully with Sonic District this week. Tssznews is even affected by it and has shut down (some of the articles are now available at sonicdistrict.com/tssz). Still Sonic Merchandise isn't being quiet with the DJ Sonic set and stuff quietly being released/teased (I didn't post everything, but Finesse seems to go and make a Werehog skateboard! Wow!) 

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  1,4 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th)  1,3 pages / day
 Average weekly velocity  1,96 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  10
 Total amount of pages done  72
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  372
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  December 14th 2020


* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly!) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2
** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

Sonic the Hedgehog DJ POPCULTCHA announced in Japan

The Sonic japan twitter has announced some nice looking Sonic Merchandise! It's called "Sonic the Hedgehog DJ Popcultcha". With the nice DJ-Sonic art.

There are a total of 4 items for sale: 

  • A T-Shirt (3,000¥)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog DJ Album (2400¥)
  • A display stand (1700¥)
  • Some badges (800¥)

You can get these from ebten.jp. Sonic District has pre-ordered the album and stand using a japanese proxy shopping service so pictures of those will be available. 

If you plan on buying the T-Shirt or Badges make sure to send sonic pictures! 



Last week I ported 15 SonicGear pages, the USA Sonic Figures is finally done! Although I noted that many were sold in Europe aswell, many of the jazwares figures where in these pages and also the Toy Island page. 

The stats: 

 Velocity this week  2,1 pages / day
 Velocity since first article (april 13th)  1,3 pages / day
 Average weekly velocity  2,25 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  15
 Total amount of pages done  63
 Remaining pages (phase 1)*  381
 Remaining pages (phase 2)  82
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity**  November 17th 2020

* This can increase if SonicGear ads new pages (SonicGear adds new items weekly!) and it can decrease if I move things to phase 2
** This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

Other things that I have done

Some minor styling, but not much. A bug where sometimes the wrong category is displayed has been fixed. 

I moved 2 cards from phase 1 to phase 2: 
"Wanted Gear": Will have to think what to do with this one, do we want this as a seperate tag, category (both?) or maybe a page. Let's wait for everything else to be ported before we decide. 
"Sonic Games": This is a pretty odd page, SonicGear doesn't include many game pages at all, and this one actually links only to a page about Shadow the Hedgehog. So there's not much Sonic games to read at all at Sonic Gear. I think a game section will be interesting but then maybe we should see if we can include some special game packages in this section. If all regular pages are ported I probably have a better idea what to do with this one. 

This Sonic Free riders is now 10 years old and somehow Zavvi thought it would be a good idea to put this figure back on sale

Is it lost stock that has been found? Is it a mistake and not in stock at all? Whatever the reason it's been up for sale for an entire day now, so grab yours while you still can. If it's a mistake you can always get your money back. 


Update 29-5: it's out of stock now, its still unknown if this was a mistake or really happening. My order hasn't been shipped yet but hasn't been cancelled either. 

Update 30-5: mine has shipped! 

Sonic Free Riders stock art

Well not entirely "week 1". The first articles I've written were on april 13th. But this is the first full week after the official go from SonicGear, which is when I wanted to start porting at least 2 articles a day. 

Last week I ported 17 SonicGear pages, mostly USA Sonic Figures (a lot of Jazwares!). In the USA SonicGear pages there's only 1 more Jazwares page for me to go (which is the transformed figures) and then it continues with ReSaurus and Toy Island Figures. 
I've also ported 2 pages of "Japan Sonic Stickers". Because I was getting tired from only seeing action figures, while it's one of the most interesting parts of SonicGear, I do want to switch sometimes to see different things. Especially due to the first part of the Action Figures being pretty hard. Most of those pages have a lot of figures of different packs. It sometimes required a little photo editting to split up some images. I also had to stay alert as a figure might come back a few pages later, then I don't need to write duplicate articles. 

Some stats: 

 Velocity this week  2,4 pages / day
 Velocity since first article  1,2 pages / day
 Amount of pages done this week  17
 Total amount of pages done  49
 Remaining pages (phase 1)  395
 Average weekly velocity  2,4
 Phase 1 finished based on average velocity*  November 5th 2020

* This is not a promise, it will change weekly! 

So what's "phase 1" you might ask? At trello I have moved some pages to "phase 2". This is to split some work in migrating the website. 
Phase 1 consists of all official merchandise, while phase 2 consists of "fan items", "fan events" & "places and "avoiding bootlegs". 

This means that after phase 1 is done, I still have 79 pages more to migrate. But I thought it might be nice to add a goal that's achievable this year. If I can keep up my promised pace of 2 SonicGear pages a day it should be done at December 8th 2020. 

Other things that I have done

So while it's mostly porting over articles, I'm still doing other stuff for this website. This week I've added a random article that will appear in the menu, this is only visible on the desktop website. If you're sure what to look for, maybe you can find something interesting here! Every page change or refresh this article will change randomly. I might change the styling of this component in the future. 

I also changed the menu a bit. The Blog section is now the home page, we can use this for weekly updates to show what we've added. Similar to how SonicGear works at the main section under "Announcements & The Latest Updates". But it can also be used for merchandise-news like the thing about the Tails hoodie that happened recently. While porting over articles I will keep an eye on Sonic Merchandise news and I'll share any interesting story here! 

Then there's the "Latest Additions" menu button. This will show the latest articles that are set to "featured". We can control what will and will not appear here. But for now I will mostly put the articles I recently added and/or updated there so I can quickly see if it looks OK. It's unsure if this menu item will be kept if we're going to use the blog as a latest-update thing too.