• Eggman & Tails patches
    Eggman & Tails patches
    Two round patches. Notice that the Eggman one says "Professor Robotnik" even though in Japan, he was never supposed to be called that. The Tails is so cute on the second one! Although, a bit cross-eyed.
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Tails & Shadow keychains: Real or Fake?

Photo credit: Shadowfoxx757

Tags: Unknown Possible bootleg

Real OR Fake?
Write in if you've got proof! These disk keychains were uncovered on ebay, clearly not in their original packaging. The seller wouldn't show the back of it either (where the copyright & etc would be) They're that layered rubber / plastic that holds detail very well and is sturdy. Certainly, Shadow & Tails look quite on-model here (They're done off of official art) without coloring or detail errors typical to fakes. If these ARE real, then you know there's at least 1 more (Sonic) to uncover. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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