• Sanei Small Amy
    Sanei Small Amy
    This is Sanei small Amy. The larger size of her appears on an earlier page. These are the 'embroider eye' plushes, as you can see how her eyes were made. Despite the small size, she still looks Amy-like, complete with cloth bangs, her bracelets and an all-right expression. 
    in Japanese plushes

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AMC 30 theather with Sonic the Movie branding

Photo credit: Taaron

Tags: Sonic the Movie 2020

But because it's movie-specific these items go here. At left you can see an AMC 30 theater--so, a really large one that's fairly fancy and long-standing which has the movie branding all over it. It's got the huge poster below the logo, and the tiles that would ordinarily have other movie's posters instead feature Sonic & Eggman portraits. The other remarkable thing is WHEN the photo was taken, which is August 2020, meaning that the theater just basically left this stuff up for waaaay way longer than it ever usually would.
All this is, of course, due to the virus pandemic. Sonic was the last actual big production movie to get released before the virus rampaged.

With nothing else upcoming, the theater just filled up all of its empty ad-space with what it already had: the Sonic materials. This accidentally gives the movie much more exposure than it would usually have. It may have also contributed to the success because nobody wanted to release anything once they saw which way the "Winds of pandemic change" were blowing at the time. Remember: it was known about in December even--well before the release date. Advertisers, venue owners & more can't afford to 'play things down', 'deny', or ignore what could happen in the future. So they didn't, and Sonic Movie was it. (Trolls 2 was next--but it released to streaming and did super well during quarantine--also much better probably than it would have if everything had been normal at the time). 


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