• Sonic at McDonalds
    Sonic at McDonalds
    Around the time of SonicAdventure McDonalds had a big Sonic promotion, and this photo is a part of that. Here, a mascot is tending the drive-thru and wearing a McDonalds hat. Yes, the happy-meal box is collectible and they also released toys to go with it. You can see those…
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Sonic belt buckle by BioWare

Photo credit: OrangeUnicorn

Tags: BioWare United Kingdom Belt United States

This is a cool belt buckle by BioWare. It's metal, and the colored areas are enamel, so it can stand up to really being worn. This is meant to replace a regular belt buckle, or go on a belt that's made for buckle-changing. It has the arms-crossed Sonic from Sonic X art, but is just under a modern logo tag. You can see the BioWare logo & copyrights on the back. This is a cool buckle to add to your collection! It should be available in winter/spring 2010. This was also sold in the USA. 

Additional Info

  • Region: International


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