• 3D Motion effect Sonic bag
    3D Motion effect Sonic bag
    Here's an insulated bag that keeps your food really "cool"! Not just by insulation...but by making it cool with a real motion effect on the front panel! It's got a lenticular design. That means that the scene shifts perspective a little bit, or looks 3D when you turn the bag…
    in Bags

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This piece of cloth is a bandanna. It is large & square so it could conceivably also be used as a (decorative) scarf. It's simply blue, with the old style winking-foreward facing Sonic face stock art. He's fully outlined, & it's a nice big quality graphic. Though not popular in style, a bandanna is still quite interesting to collect. This is the first known Sonic themed bandanna, and it appears for sale in winter/spring 2011 at Spencers Gifts. 


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