• Sonic the Story
    Sonic the Story
    Sonic the Story- ** Publisher: Ladybird ** ISBN: 0-7214-3439-8 ** Date: 1994Blurb: Sonic the Hedgehog & Ladybird join forced to bring you some fast, furious, frantic and fun-filled radical action!The page at right looks like a final one, where Sonic tells Tails he did a good job telling the story.…
    in Book

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This is a cloth lanyard. It's all black, with a metal clip at the end for keys or cards. It has various classic style Sonic stock arts all over, and each has a yellow paint splat with droplets behind it. Does it look familiar? It should, as it's patterned after the black rubber bracelet from Accessories 4. This can be bought at Spencers Gifts in 2011 for a rather steep $7.00. 

Sonic Lanyard Black SplatsPhoto & owned by FreeRiderFox


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