• Ez Games Sonic hotel box
    Ez Games Sonic hotel box
    Is this a Sonic Electronic item?Techincally...no. Sega never made this & had no real hand in it. But, what it IS, is a relic of the past that is at least interesting to have a look at and understand. In various hotels in the USA, you could find this "EZ…
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Here's something a little unusual...
It's a "Figma Figures Accessory Kit" with 5 different Sega consoles that your Figma action figures could collect. It comes with 3 different 'controller holding' hands & 2 wrist pieces that you can use to make your figures hold the items...as long as they are white, I guess. The consoles you get in the pack are the Megadrive, the Genesis, the Game Gear, the Saturn and the Dreamcast. So where's the Sonic content? Look very carefully & you'll see he's who represents the Genesis. The little cartridge case even has a very tiny cartridge!

They chose a popular game from each one (and maybe something that had a Figma figure or crossover influenced it too, because Space Channel 5 & Ulala wasn't the most popular game for the Dreamcast, nor was it it's best seller, but Ulala DOES have a Figma figure) These are all highly detailed & quite nice looking. They would fit realistically into any scene or diorama with figures. It's good to see Sonic getting attention even in tiny accessory packs. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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