• Modern Sonic GE Playing Cards
    Modern Sonic GE Playing Cards
    todo = SonicGear doesn't seem to cover the classic set on these pages GE Entertainment has decided to produce a Sonic deck, for anyone who couldn't get any of the previous decks. (Which weren't well released anyway so...) This is another ordinary playing card deck, with the spades and the…
    in Cards & Stickers

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Sonic Super Rings

Photo credit: Juuni

Tags: Arcade Canball

Here is "Sonic Super Rings"
It's likely something like Sonic CanBall on the first page. A classic carnival game but with a Sonic theme. This could be at Joypolis. This is actually a scene from a show "Kekkon Dekinai Otoko" (The Man Who Can't Get Married / He Who Can't Marry) in episode 9, "So what if I have a girlfriend?!" You obviously throw rings (or something) to play it, as this girl is doing in the photo. A game with rings makes sense for Sonic themes! Info obtained by: Juuni.

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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