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Sonic 1 styled arcade machine Tags: Arcade

What is this mysterious machine called? It's clearly an arcade machine of some kind, and has to do with getting the numbers right on the deck. Each row is assigned a number of rings and has a picture in the middle of a badnik or an item. On each side are red lights. The directions are too small to read. The side has some Stock art as well as a picture of the coin that fits into it (seen at right) The top features the logo to Sonic 1, backlit, and a scrolling LED screen.

Info provided by ToadTitan

You played by inserting your token into the coin slot. The coin rolls down the playfeild untill it stops at the back end.
When it stops the lights will stop on whatever Badnick/Robotnik light it's currently on. Each spot has a specific number on it (They're all diffrent numbers, if memory recalls.) and the machine will give out however many tickets the light is on. (For example, if it's on a Crabmeat with a 7 on it, you get 7 tickets.) I also remember the Robotnik spots being the smallest amount, with Robotnik himself (The other Robotnik spots were positions below his Checker ball Mech) being the highest amount. This machine was playable at Chuck E Cheese in the USA.
The LED screen on this machine scrolls words like "Sonic" and "Sega" but it also featured a simple animated Sonic who would run past the logo, then up close to the 'screen' & look left and right. In the photo at left, you can see a close up of the eyes. This machine can still be seen in a Youngstown Ohio roller rink in 2011. Info & LED 

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  • Region: Unknown


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