• Nanco Nancy Knuckles the Echidna
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Clean Carl commecial with Sonic arcade

Photo credit: CrystalSonicFan

Tags: Arcade

Who is this scrubbing fellow?
It's "Clean Carl" a character from Chuck E Cheese commercial skits. He likes his arcade games clean...and clearly also Sonic themed. A few times, in the background of the ad you can see the Sonic Blast Ball game. But, there's a version that's exclusive to Chuck E Cheese. Notice that it is different than the photo at the top of the page because this version has extra character art for Sonic, Knuckls & Tails all over the sides of the game. Curious about the commercial skit?

You can watch it & look for instances of the game at Clean Carl Chuck E Cheese. (It's supposed to be in a purposely cheezy 1950s old-fashion style--and it IS a skit in that's also like an ad...it's made for their in-house TV entertainment so it's not like a TV ad) All CEC locations should have this game, so if you want to play or do a photo of it head to CEC near you to try. 

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  • Region: America


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