• Top Heavy Sonic X shirt
    Top Heavy Sonic X shirt
    Now here's a nice one!Top Heavy is starting down the right path with this shirt. Sonic in subdued colors, and a stylish Japanese name beside him. He is also bordered with red, and there is a Japanese Sonic X logo beside him, and on the sleeve (in orange) The art…
    in Sonic X clothing

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Sonic Arcade can Tags: Arcade

This page is for things only found in arcades...
But that doesn't mean ONLY arcade machines...as here comes an Arcade...Garbage Can? That's exactly what this is, even though it is createivly shaped like a giant soda can, complete with 'topper' part where the pull-tab would be. The trash can is gray plastic (to resemble the metal) with yellow "label" that has a big shaded Sonic art on there, along with the Sega logo at the bottom. He's positioned with his outward facing hand behind an added "Litter" barrel. The slogan on the can is "Keep Waste in Its Place", but written in a circle shape so it looks like it could be a speech bubble for Sonic. The scuffed up area on top is probably spring-loaded so it flips shut again once someone pushes trash in.
Something like this would be in a Sega World or other Sega exclusive spot & is really neat to see the art, slogan & the creative shape of the trash can. Can Sonic make throwing litter away interesting? Apparently so....hmmm. 

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  • Region: Unknown


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