Cool bags!
Here are 2 big bags for your Sonic (or school) stuff! They're in the style of famous brands (like Vuitton) who put their logo all over something in a big pattern. These are dark brown leather (or faux leather) with bright tan/gold forward-facing but neo-classic (notice no mouth) Sonic faces fairly large printed all over. The big faces are fun & the pattern makes sense.
The left bag is the "Roll Bag", it is like a duffle, tube shaped. It has a carry handle & remove-able shoulder strap. The top zips open. All the metal here is a brass-tone to match the designs. Notice that each bag has a chain & a ring for the zipper pull to keep it with the Sonic theme. The right bag is the "Ruck Sack", but it's a school type backpack. It has a carry handle & padded shoulder straps. The main & back pocket zip. The backpack is 40 pound, and the roll bag is 60 pound.
Additional Info
- Region: Europe
- Brand: Drop Dead