• Sega 92 Sonic watch
    Sega 92 Sonic watch
    This old watch is a bit mysterious.It may have been originally a Japan item, or even supposed to be a Japan Only item, but it seems that some Sega company officials, or maybe executives or even people within the company who won some sort of prize could have ended up…
    in Watches

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Big Blue Paper SegaSonic Bag

Photo credit: @JapanAnimePosters

Tags: Bag Japan SegaSonic

This is a big, blue paper bag with twisted paper-cord handles.
It's one of those semi-re-use-able bags made of thick paper. It's all blue with white writing & outline-type art design. The front has Segasonic with the "life of power" quote with laying/finger tapping Sonic art. The back has 'fists up' Eggman (who is labeled) and it looks like probably Tails is at the bottom there, maybe shown running past him? It's too bad the fold of the bottom of the bag conceals this part of the art. Which store had this bag? 

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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