Here is a specially shaped bag called "Marche Bag".
It has 2 long handles, somewhat resembling a plastic bag, but it is made of canvas type material. It also has some kind of tie-shut laces/strips of some kind in the middle. Is it like a type of drawstring at the top? The graphic is the 2nd time the new modern stock art of 'away facing guitar Sonic' has been used since it appeared in fall 2016. (First was a pair of Japanese tees) It's got the grahpic in black/white/gray, along with a big "91" above and a rectangle below spelling out "S.O.N.I.C" with a period after each letter (For some reason?) The new art keeps it fresh while mixing it up with the old-school year of when Sonic first appeared. This bag may be available at , it is a fall 2016 item.
Additional Info
- Region: Asia