• Good as Gold notebook
    Good as Gold notebook
    Knuckles fans can be pleased about this!It's a cool solo-Knuckles notebook, with some stylish art for him! This is a white hard-card cover spiral bound notebook. The cover has the slogan "Good As Gold" in a blocky blue font. In the center of the curved font is modern ready for…
    in Notebooks

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Subtle Sonic Bag

Photo credit: @JapanAnimePosters

Tags: Bag Subtle Japan

Here are some small bags with many pockets.
Are they camera bags? Whatever they're for, they're very subtle, though. Each has a small embroidered Sonic component going on. The top bag has 'arms crossed' Sonic in a sunburst type circle of dark blue. The bottom bag is a tad less subtle, with pointing modern Sonic and his name spelled out in 'funky' chunky block letters. The shoulder strap pad thing there also has a Sonic logo, but it's striped through with color making it a little harder to read. Depending the actual size of the bags, the top one's portait could maybe be the size of a coin. For subtle items, Japan is usually first in line on making them, and these certainly rank among the top 'slightly Sonic' designs. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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