• SegaSonic NiGHTS gold metal pins
    SegaSonic NiGHTS gold metal pins
    This pin pack needs more information.This is a simple carded package of 3 of the same gold-tone round metal pin. It has a star-ring edge & Sonic's face on the front. The confusing part is why the package is labeled "Segasonic & NiGHTS" NiGHTS came out quite "late" in terms…
    in Pins & Badges

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Trapper Keeper Binders did several school supplies with a Sonic theme. There are at least 3 binders, some of which have matching interior cardboard folders. This one is in SonicGear's collection.

That's all there is to the image on the binder, although it looks cut off. There is a winking stock art on the spine, and another logo.

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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