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Sonic Memory Challenge

Photo credit: SonicBoy19

Tags: Memory card game United States

The (very) old game of "Memory" returns with a Sonic theme. To play the original version (of which this is a variant) you shuffle cards, lay them out in a grid on a surface, and then try to turn over 2 matching cards. If you guess wrong, both cards must be turned back over. The gimmick here is stated on the box: "Features Super Chaos Control Game Play".

Here is the Sonic Memory Challenge game. It's a Sonic 'spin' on the regular old game of "memory" where you try to match cards. However, this game gives it a cool new twist with the chaos emerald cards you see here. Each one, when matched gives you a special power during game play. Chaos Bind prevents the opponent from taking a turn, Chaos Control lets you peek cards, Special Ending gives you 2 matches for 1 at the end of the game & etc. These cards really shake things up. Of course, there are 14 cards (7 emeralds to match) & each one is the proper color. There are 72 cards total, with 14 emerald & 58 character cards. You can spot Emerl up there inside the box.

The instruction sheet explains the emearlds, how you win if you get the most matches, and how to lay the cards out on a surface. This game should be about 14.99 or so, which is a decent price for all those cards & the fact that it's solo or vs play. The art is nice & the cards look stylish. The emeralds make it better than a simple rehash & the nice cards make it collectible.

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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