• Sonic Adventure 3-D Erasers
    Sonic Adventure 3-D Erasers
    Here is a nice look at these uncommon erasers! These are figural erasers produced by Toy Island, and released around the time of Sonic Adventure 1. However, they were difficult to find, even when new. They were advertised on the box-backs of other items, so you may have seen the photo…
    in School Supplies

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Sonic says no to racism sign Tags: Promo Unknown

Here's something unusual, it's a spray on/graffiti style sign (or is it an actual graffiti?) with Sonic. It says "Sonic Says NO to racism!" all in red paint. It's somewhat odd to see random characters campaigning against racism (which, naturally should be campaigned against) Someone appears to have defaced it (Blue pen) as well. What is this from? Where is it used? 


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