• Sonic X Trading Card Game
    Sonic X Trading Card Game
    Not content just to collect cards?These modern Sonic X based cards are also a game. Natually, they use cels from the show for most of their pictures. The character icons in the corners though, seem to be various stock arts, as you can immidetly recognize Sonic's poses from MANY common…
    in Cards & Stickers

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Here, someone has collected several Sonic book titles. (Ignore the Pokemon one and Sega PC game for now) You can see "How to Draw Sonic & Freinds", Up Against the Wall, Sonic Shoes Blues, Sonic (no subtitle), Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Friend or Foe. Some of these are on this page already.

"Sonic the Hedgehog Friend or Foe"
This one follows rather cloesly the plot of an episode of SatAm Sonic, almost like a semi-adaptation. It's rather odd, as it's the only one that does that. As you can see on the cover, it features Robotnik's Pinball Trap but with some stock arts supplied on the bumpers. The yellow bit says how you can win something, with details inside.

Friend or Foe


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