• Sonic 10th anniversary ring
    Sonic 10th anniversary ring
        Behold...the first piece of Sonic the Hedgehog jewelry! This is a real silver ring. It was released for the 10th Anniversary. It WAS available in the USA, but only through website ordering. It was one of a trio of items for the 10th, all very expensive. (Crystal Cube and…
    in Accesories

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I own this one! The yearbooks are filled with short comics, games, a 'Sonic diary', various fan events where a Sonic Costume poses with bands such as "Worlds Apart" and various sport and racing stars. There are also game ratings and reviews, for Sonic titles and others. The back cover is exactly the same as the front. Look this one up with
ISBN 1-85830-151-3


The yearbooks are compilations of work, so they arn't technically BY any one author. Published by Grandreams Limited.

Sonic the Hedgehog Yearbook 1991Yearbook 1991


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