• JP Gear mouse pad
    JP Gear mouse pad
    This is an interesting item with some cool trivia too!This is a die-cut mouse pad made of that squishy foam stuff. It says "JP Gear" and "Welcome to the Next Level". (Was anything else JP Gear? Logo doesn't appear frequently) Sonic is standing off to the side, and naturally for…
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Awesomeness TV Sonic Jazwares Super Sonic figure

Photo credit: A83hg

Tags: TV Show Cameo

This is a screen shot from the Nickelodeon show "Awesomeness TV", some kind of clip show. Here, a kid says "I didn't Break It" as he holds up what is clearly the Jazwares Super Sonic from the 5 inch line. He's got the foot & probably lower leg in one hand & the rest of the figure in the other. If he didn't break it, what did? Did it fall down from a shelf? Jazwares DID improve their figure construction. 


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