• GE Knuckles Wallet
    GE Knuckles Wallet
    GE has even made a completely Knuckles theme wallet! This all-red wallet has a large Knuckles art, with his name in gray, Sonic Adventure font-style. The art is SA/Modern, but the checkered background gives a bit of classic design. With the interior photo to the right, you can see it's a…
    in Wallets

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Burlington Coat Factory Sonic Reference

Photo credit: Akihiko

Tags: Cameo

The Burlington Coat Factory is at it again!
Someone in their advertising department must really favor Sonic. You can see them spotlighting Sonic shirts in an ad right here on another page of Cameos. This time, they choose some Sonic toys for their banner. They have selected (probably) the Jazwares All-Stars racers Sonic in car & Shadow on motorcycle to feature right alongside Frozen plush. They even bothered to pose Shadow. 


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