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Here's a rare-er item.
These "Education Cards" are not actually a book. They seem to be some kind of flash card with facts about the Earth all over it, as well as strange cartoons and Sonic stock art. It is thought that there are 120 of them, and they are all separate. They cover topics like animals/geography/history etc. There are quiz cards too, w/multiple choice style answers. They are also VERY hard to find. If you see any, buy them streight away. What produced these? Why? Obviously they're from around the release of Sonic & Knuckles. You also can't read any of the facts, and the art is really not good enough to provide much of a clue either. These were sold at school book fairs. They MAY have come in a "filofax" case w/Sonic on it. More info is always appriciated on rare items such as this. Info added by Fizzycat


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