• Step it up Sock pack
    Step it up Sock pack
    This is the "Step It Up Sock Pack"It's a Walmart exclusive, and, sadly...it's another pack only for little kids. Your feet probably won't fit into these if you're over 7 years old, which is too bad because it's a fun, bargain priced set. There are 5 different ankle sock pairs…
    in Modern clothing

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Classic Sonic with green hill & rings s hirt

Photo credit: Shadouge

Tags: Shirt United Kingdom

This fun classic style tee tries to work in some game elements, like a floating shelf from Green Hill, & some rings, but Sonic is the element that's way too big. It still makes for a nice & different presentation. It can be found in Asda stores in 2011, & only costs 6 pounds. However, it is only in little kids sizes, so it probably won't fit. 

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  • Region: Europe


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