• ReSaurus Sonic
    ReSaurus Sonic
    ReSaurus Sonic Action FiguresThese were considered by many fans to be the best line of Sonic figures available in their time. The sculpts were small and all fairly accurate. Each figure came with a base of their 'face logo' and 1 plastic gold-chromed ring which fit on a clear plastic…
    in Resaurus

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This 4 panel shirt is for adults!
Another good design in sizes that will fit anyone. This has a fun 4 panel theme going on. The front of the tee is divided into 4 sections with one as spatter black on blue, one white with the full color logo, one with arms crossed classic style Sonic & one dark blue panel. The collar color matches the dark blue panel.
The art may be classic, but the panel look keeps the shirt fresh and interesting. It's listed as 'mens' but there's nothing particuarly men about it. How much does this cost and where is it sold?

Additional Info

  • Year: 2021
  • Region: America


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