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Books a Million Sonic Socks 2021

Photo credit: Taaron

Tags: Socks 2021

Books A Million stores are stocking up on Sonic Socks in 2021!
Here are 3 sets at once to choose from on their shelves. The first pair is a crew length classic set with 2 pairs bundled together. There's a gray pair with arms-crossed classic Sonic, and a blue pair that has scattered rings all over it. The next is is anklet length, and has 3 pairs in the set, also all classic. This has Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails all forward-facing on the foot top part of the sock. The last set at the bottom is also anklet length, and has two pairs. The top gray pair has various expressions for classic Sonic, and the white pair has scattered gold rings all over.
Notice that some of the 'expressions' ones have neoclassic art, some of which may be appearing here (on merch) for the first time? Look at the upper left one where he's what...looking down-ish but with his mouth open? There also seems to be something that might be new at the bottom left face as well.
Notice also that the bottom anklet pair doesn't use a classic paper tag, unlike the others. That happenes sometimes with the manufacturer, but usually they catch it. 

Additional Info

  • Year: 2021
  • Region: America


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