• Sonic 20th anniversary Anti aging cream
    Sonic 20th anniversary Anti aging cream
    How's this for a 20th anniversary item?A jar of Sonic Anti-Aging cream! Clearly a limited edition item, this little jar of cream comes in a fancy paper certificate/box. It says "Baume Anti Age 20 Ans Et Pas Une Ride" It has the SonicTeam logo Sonic head, and 1991 - 2011…
    in Hygene items

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The classic theme continues with another proclimation of "Old School"
Perhaps the brown shirt proclaiming 'old school' was too dark for you? Now you can try this blue one. Another classic pointing stock art with the familiar phrase, but this time with a sort of 'sunset circle' in the background. You can see the tag on this one has the official Sonic the Hedgehog logo. This is likely to be found at Sears, Kohls or JC Penny in the USA in 2008.

 Classic Sonic longsleeveSquareRunOldLkClassic side-running stock Sonic lands on yet another shirt. (in brown and olive-green varients)
This one is a nice long-sleeve tee, good for fall or winter. The design is nice, large and geometric, with the classic Sonic logo before it. As you can see in the photo, the design has that false-aged look that is currently being run into the ground with over use. Also note the official tag at the top. This is likely to be found at Sears, Kohls or JC Penny in the USA in 2008.


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