• Amy Rose sticker or tattoo
    Amy Rose sticker or tattoo
    This square item is either a temporary-tattoo or a sticker. It's also likely a prize, or booth-give-away. The bottom corner says "Not for Sale" but you can't read any of the rest of the text...except to know that her name on the front is written backwards. Depending on what this…
    in Cards & Stickers

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Another unusual item, here is the Sonic Bath Robe. It's classically styled, with various older stock arts scattered around as a pattern. It's made of fuzzy blue cloth to keep you warm when leaving the shower or bath. It IS in an adult size (1 size fits all) and has a belt. This can be found at FYE in winter 2011. It can be either 19.99 or 11.99 (depending on sales) As you can see, it's simply packaged with a card-band that has the logo & a picture of the item. 


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