• Tails Slippers
    Tails Slippers
    Here's a cute pair of slippers! These are classically styled Tails house-slippers. They're all plush, with most of the toe covered while the heel is exposed. They resemble an old pair of Japan-only slippers, so if you want Tails slippers at a good price, this is your chance to get…
    in Shoes

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Another "Catch me if you can" slogan tee, this time with a classic theme. The blue tee has big block white letters spelling out the phrase with Sonic applied to the top of the word "you". He's white only, with the blue color of the shirt filling in for both the blue areas and his shoes.
The big phrase, simple art & bold look with only blue/white keeps it looking fresh. This is likely a boys/teens item, and is a 2016 winter release.

 Classic Sonic the Hedgehog tee

This is a mens' sizes shirt, so it should fit anyone.
It's a dull more grayed-blue, with classic style. It has finger-touch-nose classic Sonic in front of a pattern of yellow checker-squares. However, the squares are curved to a degree that makes them look like a 'ball', is it to represent Eggman's "checker wrecker" the boss device from Sonic 1? The classic logo is in full color below it.
It's a pretty simple presentation, but the art is a lesser-used one (and may actually be a neo-classic redraw) The logo appears to have that 'faux wear' or weathering to the paint. This is a winter 2016 item, suspected to be at JC Penny stores.

 Original player Sonic the Hedgehog tee

Here is another tee with the slogan "Original Player".
However, this one is inspired by cards. (why?) The background with the detailed wheel/spokes design, rectangle format & how the slogan is written are all meant to evoke/be inspired by the playing card box / card backs for "Bicycle Playing Cards", an old brand of traditional cards. It has full color unshaded classic style arms-crossed Sonic in the middle of the 'box art'. The background/imitation is nice and detailed, & the Sonic art seems good, but the inspiration for it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

 Sonic party city tee

This shirt may be exclusive to Party City stores.
A tee in a party store? Actually yes...for some reason, Party City has started a 'tee wall' with cubbies underneath for selling shirts. They have various character tees available all year long. This selection includes this all navy blue Sonic shirt. It's in bigger/teens sizes, but may not go all the way up through adult xl. It has arms-crossed classic Sonic, with his name in a thick white font above him. (That mark to the right is the size sticker)
Notice the tag shape up there at the top. It looks sort of trapezoid shaped, is paper & blue. This appears to be a BioWorld tag, but it isn't in their usual shape. These are usually about 14.99. 


 Sonic JC Pennys teePhoto by Taaron

This shirt is from JC Penny in 2015 or early 2016. It's a dark blue mottled tee in the mens area (so it should fit anyone) It has neo classic jumping Sonic with a white background filled in only behind him. He's jumping under his name, which is spelled out in a font that is similar to the Sega logo font (but not the same) This should be about 10 to 12 dollars, depending on sales. 




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