• 2 sets of temporary tattoos
    2 sets of temporary tattoos
    Clearly these 2 sets are by the same company, which has grabbed some of the fairly common stocks to do two sets of 3 tattoos. Unfortunetley they've chosen the somewhat mutant Tails for their top set, but both look like they include the logo...but they really don't.
    in Accesories

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 "Dye Hard Fan" Sega Dreamcast promotional shirt. This was a UK giveaway for the system launch. You can see the "Tween" shillouette Sonic, that is the transition between old style, and SA style Sonics.

 Analyze Sonic UK shirt

Here's a curious one. An analysis of Sonic! Here he is with various charts, stats and even a partial wire-frame mockup. This is a rather classy and unusual older shirt. It is difficult to run across...but interesting!

Sonic UK undershirt

Strappy undershirt. From the 'short and stubby' days of Sonic, which are thankfully over. The background has an all-over print which gives the shirt a more quality feel, and makes it nearly impossible to bootleg. Not exactly sure -where- anyone could wear this, but oh well.

Turn on UK  shirt

Uh oh. You'd best not wear this shirt around any gutterminds! The slogan is "Turn Me On" with some nice arrows and a logo. Of course, Sonic's face is in a "TV" for a supposedly cute effect, but the double meaning of the fraze renders the shirt somewhat annoying.

Sonic UK short

Swim Trunks! Bathing suits of any kind were never that common. Here is a Brittish pair, complete with inside-netting underwear stuff. It has an annoyed looking embroidered disk and abstracted line-art for the background pattern.



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