• Sonic 3 German Marketing art piece
    Sonic 3 German Marketing art piece
    Marketing Art Piece. This was done for a plastic sign (that lights up) for Sonic 3 that video game stores could hang in the window. It's actually the print out, complete with crop marks that was to be used to create the store display items.
    in Business Items

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How big are some of the biggest dolls?
This photo of several of the larger ones illustrates the size. They're all on a normal bed, so Amy is by far the biggest. You can see those plastic "eye color protectors" that all of Toy Networks' largest plushes came with. (prevents scratching of the plastic) To the far right, you can see Jazwares 15 inch classic Sonic...and that Amy's foot is almost as big as he is. The long legged one is from Kelly Toy, as they seemed to increase limb-length to be able to claim "giant doll".


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