• Jazwares Tails Plush
    Jazwares Tails Plush
    It seems Tails here is Jazwares' most on-model plush. He looks pretty nice here, with appropriatly sized tails, a well done face, and decent proportions. He's made of the same soft fabric as their other plushes, and is about the same size. He should appear in Toys R Us in…
    in Jazwares

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Unstuffed Kelly Toy plushes

Photo credit: Pichu97

Tags: Kelly Toy United States

You've heard of stuffed-animal plushes but what about...UN-stuffed?
Here is an example of what happens when all the stuffing is removed from a Tails plush. This is probably a Kelly Toy larger size (Early release before 'noodle leg quality' appeared) but it's difficult to tell in this state. (of course) Sometimes unstuffing a plush is a prudent way to ship it, then the buyer re-stuffs upon recipt--but only for really enormous dolls. Looking at the floor-boards of this photo, you can tell this is a fairly good sized one. It's interesting to see the result. 

Who keeps unstuffing these!
Totally-flat Tails above is also a Toy Network plush, as is this Sonic here. This rather large plush has been unstuffed, likely in order to save money in shipping it somewhere. Unlike the Tails though (this one is probably bigger) it has some 'chambers' sewn in, where parts are 'sectioned off' from others. The hands & shoes seem to be the case here. They seem to have picked the filling out of the head, body & arms mostly, though he's not flat like the complete job. Of course, this doll didn't start out looking too super, and losing its poly-fill has only made it worse.


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