• Blue K Mart Sonic tee
    Blue K Mart Sonic tee
    This blue tee can be found at K Mart, which is unusual, as they don't normally carry Sonic items. It has modern thumbs up Sonic, with the modern logo all on a pale blue tee. The design does employ the faux wear technique to make it look aged for some…
    in Modern clothing

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This is not exactly a coloring book, but could very well be if you follow the lesson in it. 

The "lesson" is not very good. It is mostly 'how to reverse-engineer stock art' because that's all they use in the book. They don't even choose the art very wisely, except in the case of Sally, who looks just fine in all her shots. No fresh art is found, & it is not a particularly good lesson. This is in the SonicGear collection. 

How to Draw Pages


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