• 6 Classic Sonic shirts from 2014
    6 Classic Sonic shirts from 2014
     This tee is pretty creative with the placement of the art. It uses the old standard "forward facing" classic standing Sonic, but puts him right on the edge of the tee, as you can see at left. While being worn, you can only see half of Sonic at once, on…
    in Classic Clothing

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A large format "Coloring Poster Book". Which is like a coloring book, but it has pull-out pages so you can tape them to your wall when you're through. Another one by Ladybird books, this has a extra-large size pull out poster. It is likely to feature stock-art, but no interior shots are available yet.
Colouring Poster Book-
Publisher: Ladybird
ISBN: 0-7214-3437-1
Date: 1994
Blurb: Sonic the Hedgehog and Ladybird join forced to bring you some fast, furious, frantic and fun-filled radical action!

Summary: A book which is entirely made up of a pull out poster. One side is black and white lineart to colour in of each stage from Sonic 2. On the reverse is a full colour information poster on Sonic, Robotnik and Sonic 2 levels. The art is drawn, over stock. The poster is VERY large. Info by: Ota.
Here is a part of the poster, so you can see the quality of the art. As you can see, it's mostly stock-art, altered a little to create the scenes. Notice that Eggman has been replaced with Robotnik inside the flame thrower machine boss.

Coloring PosterBook page


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