England's Sonic The Comic got all the way to the Netherlands...for a few issues at least. Here, you can compare the first issue from here & from there to see what's different. First off, it is, of course, all written in Dutch so the people can understand it. They changed it from 'the comic' to 'magazine'. Of course the contest had to change too, so this one lets you win a Game Gear with Jungle Book game even though it's not Sonic-relevent. This comic was known also for its' in-bag prizes', (little free goodies) and they are continuing that here with the stickers. Sometimes prizes get cut out when something goes international.
But then look at the words...some of them are super similar like "Wiin" is 'win', and Magazine is the same word. They even write "Sega's Super Star Sonic the Hedgehog" in the box and then "Paniek in de Marble Zone" you can clearly tell is "Panic" just the spelling is a little different. Isn't that interesting. The red dot at the top had the price in it.