• Sonic 3 Special Edition pin set
    Sonic 3 Special Edition pin set
    Sonic 3 Special Edition Pin set in a box. Comes with Knuckles in his first pose, Sonic in the "3" fingers pose and a Sonic 3 logo. The box is quite nice looking as well. Was this released along with the game? Or, as a commemorative item?NOTE: This set was…
    in Pins & Badges

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Collecting comics on an individual basis can be difficult. With Sonic comics over the 200 mark, Archie decided to do something about it. While you can still round up the original books, you've also got another option to collect.
Like the Mangas or Graphic Novels you can find in nearly any book store, these too are a collection of comics. They're smaller format, and much thicker, but they contain exact (but smaller) versions of the regular comic stories.
It's likely that Archie will keep producing these as long as their Sonic comic lasts, producing a new smaller format book as soon as they make enough issues to compose it. These are available for sale in book stores, and also through mail-forms in the current (regular comic) issues. Comic Book retailers should also be able to find these for you.
**New Collectors Alert!**
Do you want to get into collecting Archie Sonic? These are your best bet. If you were to get all the regular books, they'll take up 1 whole "Modern Age" standard comic book box. And weigh over 20lbs.

Here are volumes 1 through 6, with 1 being in the bottom right going through 6 in the top left.
Patric Spaziante (Spaz) has done all the covers for these, but in a new style which isn't his own. As you can also see, they've re-colored Tails for the covers (as Archie always insisted he was brown and cream in the early years) All the covers are originals, some taken from ideas of scenes in some of the stories they contain. (ie, the multiple Sonics, and the 'moe bius' versions/badguys from another reality)

As you can see here, Spaz is DIRECTLY cribbing the artist who did the original Sonic Japanese Screen Saver. (Pic to the right) The ScreenSaver was originaly a JP only release, possibly some sort of bonus item. It came on floppy disks, and would bascially do a slide-show of a large series of pictures that Sega commissioned from an artist. The themes included parties, seasons, daily life and holidays.

The style is quite recognizable, and many of the images commonly float around the internet even to this day. Take a look at "Laughing Knuckles" to the right, and then at the book cover on the upper right side of the set of 6.

He's almost precicely the same, right down to the angle of his arms. The only difference being that his pupil is shut in the original. Further looks at the screen-saver only provide more extreme similiarities.
Is it right to so closely bite the style of someone else for sale-able publications? You decide!

Book Stats:
Each book is 112 pages long.
The "Sonic Beginnings" one has the earliest comics, featuring many of the characters' first appearances.
The "Sonic Select" collections 1 and 2 house the "Super Specials"
The "Archives Volume #" ones contain the regular issues over a span of time.
Each Book is about 7.5 inches high and 5 inches wide.
There are usually 4 issues archived within each book.
The original cover art appears before each issue, but splash-pages are NOT included
There are no fan letters/fan art sections included, but the 'arts & crafts' type sections remain from the early books.

All compilation info & photos provided by Siara.

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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