• Tails Super Poser
    Tails Super Poser
    Jazwares' 2nd unique Super Poser is Tails, and, like Knuckles before him, they've done another great job. He's proportional, and the face looks well done. He has the usual super poser articulation (seen at right) which includes wrist rotation & tilt, fingers (together) that move, ankle hinges as well as…
    in Jazwares

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Knuckles fared the best with his mini-series comics. He had 2, each with 3 issues, that led him to a regular series.

Again, consistent art and a fairly good plotline helped him along. He also had a strong enough/well portrayed personality, and the support of Sega fans who thought Knuckles was cool.

The Knuckles storylines could also easily be crossed over into Sonic's, and vice-versa for extra interaction. The Chaotix also brought in fans to support the series.

Keep in mind though, that the book had NO official history of Echidna society to go on, when it was created. Therefore, the continuity is 100% original, and has nothing to do with anything else. This created a monsterous and highly complex storyline with multiple family trees, units of badguys including Enerjak (pictured), the Dark Legion, Mammoth Mogul, and Dingoes.

Any fan who liked to follow this type of storyline would probably benifit from collecting the Knuckles mini-series and short run of regular series.

Note: Archie still believes that all emeralds are always green, even chaos emeralds. They never played a Sonic game, and are running on the assumption that it is just like Earth emeralds. Why hasn't anyone told them, after all these years?

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