• Sonic 60 piece jigzaw puzzle
    Sonic 60 piece jigzaw puzzle
    This is a Sonic puzzle. It's a 60 piece jigsaw by Milton Bradley. It has Sonic bouncing off of a spring, rings, clouds & star bumpers. Small stock art Eggman is shown at the bottom. The box lid (left) shows the finished scene, but with the same ruler (right) the…
    in Board, Card Games & Puzzles

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It is now confirmed that the series will continue in the coming months. It appears support (unsurprisingly) is good for the books so far, so expect more great Sonic content to collect!

The next mini-series is for Sonic X. 4 issues long, it is about to wrap up with the 4th. As you can see, most of the art is more consistent then in the regular books, and tries to keep on model with the show.

No "Archie" characters are featured, meaning you can jump right in. The stories seem appropriate to the way the show is handled.

The comic was continued after the initial 4 issue arc. It went on to run for 40 issues, ending with the 40th (and announced in the 39th issue)

What will the next Mini-Series be?

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  • Region: International


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