• Lego Dimensions Sonic Pack
    Lego Dimensions Sonic Pack
    Lego Dimensions is a video game (not usually covered by Gear) but it has toys that go with it & are able to interact much like Amiibos with their special bases. To get the character in the game, you can buy the figure, as seen here. Sonic comes with his…
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What's Next?
Sonic Universe. Sonic X series has been replaced by the Sonic Universe series. This series looks like it will be a more free-raging non-earth setting for the cast of the games. Silver, Blaze, Shadow, Chaotix, Rouge, and likely any game character you can think of will be appearing. (Keep in mind Blaze & co. are in another dimension)
This change will free the book from the confines of the "X" universe/plot. It was released in in Jan/Feb of 2009.

This series WAS SUPPOSED TO continue the plot that was started in the final issue of Sonic X, so you can see a bit of how it resolves. Spaz appears to be making a return for a few of its covers, and that's a welcome thing as he was a fan favorite.

The interesting aspect of this comic seems to be that it is not toally "Sonic Centric" so that for periods of 3 or 4 issues, sonic may *appear* but the focus is on another character. The first 4 issues have Shadow as the central element, while later issues will use Knuckles. This new style will give the book an interesting variety. From the impressions of the first issue, it seemed like it could be a really solid book. The character focus variety should keep everyone interested so long as they can keep the art quality up and the plots interesting.

As of issue 4, the comic looks like it has totally dropped its original premise. Spaz is off the covers, but Yardley does a good enough job in his stead. The interior art remains solid, there's nothing super ugly or wrong in it. The characters are pretty much on-model so it continues to look just fine.

The plot has taken a dive though, and looks like it will continue to do so. The book appears to be being used as a "Dumping Ground" for all the stories that won't fit into the main Archie Sonic continuity they have. This means that the comic is essentially "Archie Sonic 2" and doesn't provide anything really games related or different. It also refuses to continue anything like what was said earlier about Sonic X's plot wrapping up in it.

As you can see with the above scan Team Dark is indeed featured, but Feist the panda bear god and creator of all chaos emeralds (who, being in an Archie book is also vein and dim-witted!) has been brought over right away from the main Archie continuity.
The book was supposed to be a fresh start and break away from all the over-complex Archieverse comics so that ANYone could get into Sonic who liked X, or the games without having years of experience collecting zillions of old books just to know the characters. Any changes to the theme or format will be added here.

Interesting note:
What do YOU want to see in the comic? You can write them and ask for it. The book is billed as being 'customizable' to the wants of the fans. You're a fan, what do you want to see? Every letter counts because precious few people will write, so if you do it, you might just get your way!

How to do it:
Send an email to Sonic @ ArchieComics.com with "MySonic Universe" in the title. In the letter, just put whatever you'd like them to do. (More Blaze? More Marine? Silver? Stories with the werehog or games-based things? Its up to you)

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