• Toddler mini backpack
    Toddler mini backpack
    This item is titled the "Toddler Mini Backpack". However, it is probably just a smaller than usual school bag that anyone could use. It is only 12 inches high (where usual packs are 16 to 18) so you could only store smaller items in it. It's all blue with black…
    in Prototypes

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And you thought all the scares were over with the pictures above! Mutant alert!

Oh man, this is like some vaguely-shaped Sonic alien thing. It looks like it's all lycra, but what is that head! This misfortune is shown with a Soccer guy wearing a Sega Shirt...so this can't be a misguided fan-attempt. It's from a real 1990s event, and the photo was in a UK Annual.

There are some really 'whoops' interperatations of Sonic the Hedgehog out there...and this is one of them. Perhaps that flying soccer-ball will save our dignity and end it all.

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  • Region: America


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