• Gamestop display with Sonic
    Gamestop display with Sonic
    Retail stores may be "chain stores" most of the time, but that doesn't mean they're all alike. Sometimes there are "flagship stores" or other special stores that are larger than others, or special in some other way. This Gamestop in an outdoor mall has gone above the rest and made…
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Fit for the random page, here's something...pretty random.
It's a "Tubbz Ducky" the Tubbz Rubber Duck bath toy that's made to look like various popular characters. (So, kind of like a funko but instead of a dead-eyed little golem...it's duck shaped) The packaging is very fitting, of cousre, it is shaped like a little bath tub for the duck to sit in. It even has 'feet' for the tub. To protect the figure, a clear plastic topper fits to the tub with the label card. The tub has the modern logo on it/so it's something you'd keep. The tops make them stackable.
There were 4 characters done on this round of Tubbz, they did Sonic, Knuckles, Tails & Eggman. All the packages are the same, just the ducks are different.

In the gallary you can see the whole wave of them, so you can see the various angles which shows a bit of...how odd they kind of are?
They are not "A duck dressed as a favorite character", nor are they "A Sonich character dressed as a funny duck". They're kind of....mutated hybrid things. Look how the Sonic duck has 2 noses...the bill has nostrils but there's a nose on the end of it. Also the wings/arms are on 'backward' to how a real wing could go for the raised hand, as are the Knuckles fists. Egg-duck's entire lower face was deleted in favor of the beak while nobody elses' was.
Despite the super-strangeness that has been produced here, that's not to say they didn't work hard on these because they clearly did. You've got Knuckles big fist details, Tails' bangs sculpted on/2 tails seen, the heads are all well shaped/sculpted & Eggman has 3D details for his coat/mustache and good goggles/glasses. The other oddity is that Eggman is modern styled but nobody else is/usually that doesn't happen. Maybe classic Eggman was too simple for the duck to work of him?
A well made but odd collectible set of rubber ducky bath toy figures. 

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