• Sonic cosplay gloves
    Sonic cosplay gloves
    These are not ordinary gloves! (or even very useful gloves) These fun, stuffy gloves are made to resemble plush Sonic hands for you to wear. You can see they're pretty big too, compared to a plush at left. The cuff has an embroidered logo, and they even have a paper…
    in Costumes

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JUST Toys gets a classic Sonic license, and releases a blind box line in winter 2021. They create "Craftables", the display figure that you have to put together.

The box advertises them as 'craft a scene', but really it's more like assemble a simple figure and jam it on a base. There are 4 of these to collect, and each one is 9.99 at Target (They'll put it in the electronics section!) The problem is that 9.99 is costly for something that you don't know what you'll get / you get duplicates & can't get rid of them. The items you can get are regular Sonic, Metal Sonic, Super Sonic or Sonic & Tails.
Above, you can see what you get in there when it is un-built. The figure body, head, base, an 'action item' & wedges for the feet. (Action item = flame for Metal Sonic, power up circle for Super Sonic)

Here is what the figures look like once you build them. They are decent, tiny figures. Metal Sonic uses metallic paint & makes good use of the foot wedge/clear pieces to have a pose like the games. His cut-away of some Eggman metal track thing is a fine base. Super Sonic has a rocky base/dirt & a transparent yellow 'power up ring'. The third has regular Sonic jumping through a big gold ring with dust cloud, stripy GHZ ground & sunflower. 

Not particularly 'a scene':
The only one of these that seems to be an actual 'scene' you can craft is the Sonic/Ring one. The others are clearly just a figure and a base. Metal Sonic is the worst culprit of this.
It's Very Super Saiyan Goku: (Or Vegita)
It's too super saiyan. The combination of Goku's actual pose, the yellow power up ki-flare, the rocky ground Toriyama is super fond of AND the yelling / teeth going on put this way too into Goku* territory.
The boxes will claim "Over 10 Pieces".....yeah maybe in the whole set?? Metal Sonic has 6, Super Sonic has 6, the regular Sonic seems to have maybe 7??
What's the Building Experience?
You can put it together in under 5 minutes, naturally. There are no instructions. Sometimes the pieces don't want to stay together. If you drop it, it won't break, but it will absolutely fly all to pieces again. The feet/stands are the most difficult. The figures/pieces seem a bit flexible, they're not hard plastic.

The Bottom Line:
These WOULD be a good value IF you could choose what one you could get. If each one were as much a scene as regular Sonic, the value would really be there. It's a neat enough concept, though.

*Aside = Goku Territory
Is this complaining wierdly? No, because Super Saiyan & Super Sonic are always going to resemble each other. Goku went SSJ in 1989, and it's been officially confessed that it did inspire Super Sonic (that's why he's yellow and not some other color) so the timeline is right. However, this doesn't mean that Sonic was meant to be some 'Goku/Vegita clone' or a copy/ripoff. Like where he has to be 'super-ized' to do anything, or flying into a rage causes it or whatever. Sonic was always meant to be his own thing...which is great. That's why it's so kind of odd to see him basically 'doing a Goku' right here in pose, style, background, and expression. Is someone at JustToys a DBZ fan? Highly likely.
As a DBZ fan it's kind of sad to watch how sociopathic Goku either always was (and it was revealed as the story went on) or has become over time into DBsuper. It's interesting because it doesn't seem to be his fault, it's the way the species' brain is set up (also made clear) so it makes sense but it makes him a bit less....inspiring? Look-up-to-able?

Here is the 4th Craftable from Craftables line 1.
This is also the least-common one because it seems like they didn't make as many of it...and you can see why. It's clearly the most parts-intensive one and so it would have cost more to make it but.....they had to sell it at the same price as the rest of them. This is also the one that lives up the most to the name of the actual product, it is a REAL scene for you to craft. The gound part is 2 pieces to snap together, you have to put the figures' heads on, and you have to add their arms to their shoulders. Then, you can snap Sonic's tail to the ground, the 'impact' clear-effect for the shoe & Tails' fot attaches to Sonic's head to complete the pose.
This is a really good scene from them, and it is worth the 10 dollar price tag.
TIP: If you see the boxes in the store at Target in 2021 (in the electronics/toys/movie-toy area) LIFT all the boxes 1 by 1 and this one will reveal itself to you. It is by far the heaviest of all of them so it is easy to choose it despite their blind-box efforts.
This captures the action of the classic games really well! They've got the poses going just right & the rubbery spikes-hazard & foot-impact thing are perfectly positioned. It's very lively, cute, and classic.

Additional Info

  • Region: America
  • Brand: JUST Toys


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