• Chinese 18 inch Sonic plush
    Chinese 18 inch Sonic plush
    This is a large (the biggest?) 18 inch Sonic plush. Most of the plushes made in China for China aren't quite this big. But...something else here is really big too. Look at his back! The body shape has loads of extra material, which is uncommon...because if something is going to…
    in Plush

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Sonic Underground LCD Game

Photo credit: SonicBoy19

Tags: Sonic Underground LCD Game United States

This is the Sonic Underground LCD game while it was MIB. This shows it was made by Fun Times Games (not Tiger, like many of the others) The art uses Manic and Sonic with their instruments as well as the logo. The arrow that partially covers Manic invites you to pull on the plastic switch which spins the edge of the game and helps it to make a racket. This game is in the SonicGear Personal Collection, and it's reviewed more in-depth at My LCD Games section. 

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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