• SuperSonic (Record, casette & CD)
    SuperSonic (Record, casette & CD)
    What is this bizzarre oldskool object! A record of some kind. Who ever heard of a Sonic record that you need some kind of record player to play? It was probably done out of the novelty of the concept. It is the only record of Sonic music.The cover is somewhat…
    in Soundtracks

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Sonic foldable earphones

Photo credit: SonicBoy19

Tags: Headphone United Kingdom

Here are two pairs of "foldable earphones". These are designed with more comofort in mind than the above simple pair (note the big squishy pads on the inside) They probably fold with a hinge at the top for better storage. The top pair is blue/blue with a dark blue modern Sonic outline that's quite large/cut off at the edges to turn him into a bit of a design. The bottom pair is white, and features full color art for modern Sonic, Knuckles & Shadow. Each one is stylish, and the outer part gives it a sleeker/modern type look. You may be able to order online at Mirage2000records.co.uk

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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