• 1999 issue of Games Insider featuring Sonic Adventure
    1999 issue of Games Insider featuring Sonic Adventure
    A 1999 issue of "Games insider" also Featuring "Sonic Adventure"Games Insider is a free flyer-type magazine, likely found in game stores or malls. Possibly even video rental areas. It's here to tell you about games in the hopes that you'll buy it. This one is showcasing the Top 25 games…
    in Magazines

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Here's another at-home pinball machine game. This claims to be an 'arcade game', but it's really just another table-top plastic deal. This one is obviously modeled after the Sonic Spinball game for Genisis, as seen with the box art being used on the game. This one is a bit more high-tech with "Precision LCD" (presumably for the score) and still has a nice variety of flippers/bumpers. It has a list of features, but the photo won't let you read it.

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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