• A yolo yellow eggman tee
    A yolo yellow eggman tee
    A Yolo Yellow Tee!Now here's an odd bird. How did this shirt even happen? It isn't terrible, and it is excellent for Eggfans, but it seems like a quite-unlikely item. It's all pale yellow, with rainbow pastel for the writing that spells out "Dr. Eggman" in a ring around his…
    in Modern clothing

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Malaysa Sonic fast food games

Photo credit: Sonicboy19

Tags: LCD Game McDonalds Malaysa

This selection of games was available in Malaysia, at the rate of 1 per week for 5 weeks, or apperntly until it sells out (as marked here). The "RM" is there to abbriviate the name for its money which is Malaysian Ringgitt. This is a cardboard promo piece (seen in McDonalds' locations) which are basically everywhere. The games will be familiar from Sonic Fast Food Pages, but the ad is not. It is interesting to see all the locations these got to. Additional info provided by SilverOkaami

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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