• Motocross Sonic pin
    Motocross Sonic pin
    Here is a nice individual shot of the "Motocross Sonic" metal enamel pin.This is an uncommon Japanese pin from some point in the mid 1990s. It's uncommon enough that the photo you'll generally find with it in there is of a whole slew of pins on a pinboard where it's…
    in Pins & Badges

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Sonic Youth Fashion Face Covering

Photo credit: Taaron

Tags: 2020 Face Mask United States GameStop

It took until fall season 2020 but...
An official Sonic Face Mask / Cover finally appears. No doubt this is by any random company that could simply buy up enough official Sonic printed fabric fast enough to throw these together on one of the numerous existing 'youth mask' patterns, but, oh well because the bootleggers were having a field day with their phony fabric.
This is a 3 pack of masks, for about 12.99 at Game Stop. They're in the simplest of label-bag packaging so as to bring them to market faster. The fabric is blue, with classic Sonic faces scattered around, as well as rings. There's normal, 'steamin'-Sonic', aggrivated, forward-winking and probably profile faces.
They're a fine, normal and solid enough design for something with the classic type look. Hopefully more variety of Sonic fabric will become available/more mask styles could appear for all sizes of faces.

Additional Info

  • Year: 2020
  • Region: America
  • Price list: $12.99 at GameStop


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