First out of the bag, cookies
These are Toffee flvored (is that like taffy? or coffee? Toffee is described as "it's like fudge, with a slightly stronger flavour and a chewier texture") and are shaped like the head of either Sonic or Tails. They are described as "Bite Size Biscuits" and carry the "hedgehog with attitude" slogan. They are done in a detailed style, with pressed-in lines for the features. Since these come from the UK, they are called Biscuits, but they are likely to be cookies.
These are made by Burtons and said it came with collectible stickers. But they weren't. It was actually panels with stock art that could be cut out to make a scene if you taped it together. What do the scenes look like? You can see one of them below, but there were others.
At the right is one of the scenes you could make with the Burtons packages. Notice it uses that wierd pink Sally with black hair from Archie comics (though STC was the go-to UK area comic's pink Sally factor in?) It apparently uses 4 packages to make 1 picture (notice the number of labels/logos) which is rather steep, amount wise.
Owned by Jen Hedgehog.