• Wayne's World Sonic Reference
    Wayne's World Sonic Reference
    In the movie Wayne's World near the beginning they see an ad for an arcade, and in the background, you can clearly see that Sonic 1 is being played. You can see the "Score Time and Rings" display in the upper corner, as well as a few rings and possibly…
    in Cameos

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Australia gets a Sonic food!
As you can see the Sonic pasta cans made it to this interesting continent, however, this time they are by "Heinz" and the can looks a bit different. This is a can of "Spaghetti Shapes with Tomato Sauce & Cheese". It may not be very appealing to eat canned cheese, but hey, it's Sonic. With the back of can photo you can see that the shapes (unsurprisingly) are identical or nearly so, to the USA release shapes. The picture has been left extra large so you can read the little description on the back.

Australia Heinz Sonic spaghetti backPhoto by Sonikku


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