• Tomy Knuckles posed plush
    Tomy Knuckles posed plush
    Here's Tomy's "Posed Plush" for classic Knuckles. They seem to be trying 'pose plushes' for both the classic & modern line. This doll looks like the fists are stitched together in front to look like the "fist knock" Knuckles art where he's hitting the fronts of his fists together.The plush…
    in Tomy

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Sonic life saves candy

Photo credit: Alessandero

Tags: Candy United States

At the time there were several kinds of life-savers candies, including "Hot Rings" which are shown here. These were cinnamon flavored. If you think about it, it's actually pretty logical to have a Sonic/Sega contest on a ring-shaped candy! You can read the package, it says "Win Sega Now" which...tells you really nothing about the contest because it is impossible to 'win sega'. Merchandise though, is the best guess.

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  • Region: America


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